EVA Condominium Owner Page: Register for Exclusive Owner Discounts

Hello! We are thrilled to be your future neighbor at the beautiful new EVA development in Puerto Vallarta. Our gallery will be located on the lobby level, next to the atrium and outdoor sculpture garden. We look forward to seeing you in the gallery and would like to extend a special discount on purchases to our new EVA family. In the months leading up to the completion of the property, discounts can be used for purchases online as you make interior design decisions for your new home. We also offer worldwide shipping via DHL. Please register using the link below and we will be in touch.


Would you like assistance designing and furnishing your new home? We partner with the premier interior design firm in Puerto Vallarta, CRATE Interiors, and would be happy to help with introductions to their team. As the gallery will be located in the building, we are well positioned to help with the coordination and logistics of your project.


We look forward to seeing you soon in Puerto Vallarta!